IN> TRA2 is a project by the IMARTE research group for art, science and technology, which explores, through practical and artistic research, processes of decoding in the act of reading, to generate semiotic-material openings in the relationships between art, science, technology and society. From Universitat de Barceloan, IMARTE started participating in competitive research projects in 2000, creating different lines of research and has continued until the present day.
Art ⇆ Territory is a project that has established a network of residencies to encourage artistic research and production in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and the Occitan, promoted collaboratively by Idensitat, Casa Planas (Palma), La Escocesa (Barcelona) and Le BBB Centre d’art (Toulouse). Project supported by the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euro-region.
Eugènia Agustí, Joint Principal Researcher, IN>TRA2, Universitat de Barcelona.
Ramon Parramon, Idensitat, Eina, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art (UAB) and Universitat de Barcelona.
Eloi Puig, Principal researcher of project, IN>TRA2, Universitat de Barcelona.
Antònia Vilà, Researcher in the project IN>TRA2, Universitat de Barcelona.
Irati Irulegui, Idensitat.
Mercedes Pimiento, intern FI-2020 AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya
Laia Moretó Alvarado, intern FPU, Spanish Ministry of Education, Science and Universities.
Jo Milne
Lali Barrière
Eugènia Agustí
Eloi Puig
Esther Moñivas
Marta Negre
Óscar Padilla
Anna Recasens
Ramon Parramon
Alelí Mirelman
Irati Irulegui
Pablo Santaoalla
Ignacio Barcia Rodríguez, Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme for Creation and Research in Contemporary Arts, EIDO / Facultade de Belas Artes
Universidade de Vigo.
Lali Barrière, Researcher in the project IN>TRA2. Subgroup Metareadings based on artistic practice. Dimensions of creative decodification. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Tech (UPC).
Marie Boivent, Research group Pratiques et Théories de l’Art Contemporain (PTAC), Université Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne, France.
Antonio Collados, Sculpture Department, University of Granada. Director for the Promotion of Culture and Visual Arts, of the University of Granada, Founding member of Aulabierta, Transductores, SobreLab and Trn_Lab.
Roser Colomar, Idensitat, Valencia.
Salomé Cuesta, Sculpture Department, Group Laboratorio de Luz. Universitat Politècnica de València.
Lucie Delepierre, Coordinator of the projects of Le BBB Centre d’art, Toulouse (France).
Eva Ferrés, Head of communication of Le BBB Centre d’art, Toulouse (France).
Anne Heyvaert, Drawing Department, Research group d x5 digital and graphic art, Facultade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Vigo (UVigo).
Irati Irulegui, Project coordinator, Idensitat, Barcelona.
Małgorzata Kaczmarska, Professor at the Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego and Pedagogical University of Krakow (Poland).
Maria José Martínez de Pisón, Sculpture Department, Research group Laboratorio de Luz. Universitat Politècnica de València.
Jo Milne, Collaborator in the project IN>TRA2. Project coordinator: Metareadings based on artistic practice. Dimensions of creative decodification. Universitat de Barcelona and Eina, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).
Alelí Mirelman, Coordinator of the Research and Contemporary Culture Centre, Casa Planas, Balearic Islands.
Esther Moñivas, Researcher in the project IN>TRA2. Project coordinator: Metareadings based on artistic practice. Dimensions of creative decodification. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Jordi Morell, Researcher in the project IN>TRA2. Subgroup Printed Material. Online Laboratory, Universitat de Barcelona.
Marta Negre, researcher at IN>TRA2. Subgroup: Printed Material. Online Laboratory, Universitat de Barcelona.
Òscar Padilla, researcher in the project IN>TRA2. Subgroup: Metareadings based on artistic practice. Dimensions of creative decoding, Universitat de Barcelona.
Cristina Pastó, researcher in the project IN>TRA2. Subgroup: Printed Material. Online Laboratory, Universitat de Barcelona.
Marina Planas Antich, Director of the Research and Contemporary Culture Centre, Casa Planas. Balearic Islands.
Cécile Poblon, Director of Le BBB art centre, Toulouse (France).
Enric Puig, Director of L’Escosesa, Barcelona.
Anna Recasens, Idensitat, Jerez de la Frontera.
Pablo Santa Olalla, International Project manager, La Escocesa. Barcelona.
Albert Valera, Principal Researcher, IN>TRA2 Subgroup: Printed Mater. Net Laboratory, Universitat de Barcelona.
Àngels Viladomiu, Principal researcher IN>TRA2. Subgroup: Printed Mater. Net Laboratory, Universitat de Barcelona.