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Marija Griniuk

Monitoring the body: Transcorporeality and Inhuman interconnections while performing at an art fair



Within this research I present my performance art case Mark Making, which I realized in two venues within the art fair events: at Supermarket Art Fair, in Sweden in 2017 and at ArtVilnius Art Fair, in Lithuania, in 2018. These two events are cases of performance art with biometric data, which I analyze from the autoethnographic perspective. The collected materials are: video and photo documentation, notes and interviews and EEG (electroencephalography, monitoring my brain activity while I perform). My research question is: how art fair, as the platform for the performance, impacts bodily experience of the performer? For analysis of these cases I apply concept theories: inhuman interconnections and transcorporeality (Cohen, 2015; Alaimo 2010, 2016, Griniuk, 2021), where inhuman interconnections are explained as connections between the performer, the audience and the objects involved in the performance. Transcorporeality here is understood as the very specific socio-political context of the performer, presenting the live artwork in the art fair. During the presented case performances bodily conditions of attention and meditation is communicated to the audience and art fair visitors on the screens as the performance unfolds. The physical connections, communication, props and technology, for reading and mediating my live brain activity, involved in the performance impacts the body in the realtime.


Performance, Transcorporeality, Inhuman Interconnections, Art Fair






Marija Griniuk is a Lithuanian artist and a PhD Candidate at the University of Lapland, Finland. Since 2020 she is a lecturer in the subjects of Innovations and Creativity at Vilniaus Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania.